Trevo Technologies LTD is a registered entity under Corporate Affairs commission in the Federal Republic of Nigeria with registration Number RC-6972361. The terms and conditions of operations with Trevotech Academy are stated below:

  1. All programs and courses taken at Trevotech Academy are  strictly subject to the curriculum attached to  the specific program. Clients shall not expect above what is contained in the Curriculum of each program  or courses
  2. All the courses or Programs found on this website are strictly owned and copyrighted by Treo Technologies. Except in cases of collaboration with third party organizations.
  3. Clients cannot benefit from a program of which  he/she has not paid for except in cases where the company chooses to charge zero fees for the courses or Programs.
  4. Trevo Technologies reserves the rights to provide certification for courses or Programs as the management deems fit depending on the conditions or Features of the advertised program or courses. For any client to be certified or mentored, he or she must have fulfilled all necessary requirements for the said program or course  such as taking quizzes, submitting projects and providing necessary information required for the certification and mentorship or internship.
  5. For certification programs, the management has the right to share information about the professional qualifications and achievements of its clients to professional bodies, social media, professional organizations as a proof of undergoing trainings at Trevotech Academy. However this information are only limited to the client’s name and picture. No other information such as gender, marital status, income level, religion, ehthnic, social or political affinity shall be shared. Where clients 
  6. Clients shall have the opportunity to roll-over payment that has been made for a particular course or program up to 1 Cohort from the Cohort that was paid for, for the same program/course if and only if the client has not benefitted from the program or course which he/she initially paid for up to 4 classes. 
  7. In a case where the clients wants to move to another course, with a previous payment made for another course after the  classes have started, the full payment for the new course shall be made provided the course or program the client is enrolling for has not begun. However, if client has not had more than 4 classes in the previous course, client is allowed to pay not less than 50% of the tuition fee for the new course or program he or she is moving to.  Any other request to move to another course  (the second time after an initial change) will not be granted except client is willing to pay in full the tuition for that course program.
  8. Clients do not have the right to resell any material or property of Trevo Technologies except in cases where the client has purchased the right to resell from Trevo Technologies. A breach of  this is unlawful and is considered a criminal offence.
  9. For virtual training programs, in a case where a client wants to transfer a payment for a particular program to different program with a different cost, the client shall be deemed to have completed the previous payment before transfer can be initiated. Transfer cannot be initiated in cases where the client uses the installments payment option until a full payment is made. 
  10. Trevo Technologies reserves the right to update these terms of service as the management deems fit.
  11. Tuition refunds can only be made when the program has not started, Tuition fee cannot be refunded after the program or training has started. Refunds cannot be made for self paced downloadable or non-downloadable courses.
  12. If you registered for an internship, please note that clients must fulfil all necessary demands to be recommended for internship. Trevotech Academy is not liable for any loss arising from the inability of the clients to fulfil all necessary qualifications to be recommended for internships. Please USE THIS LINK to download the internship codes before signing up for any of our programs.
  13. Trevo Technologies reserves the right to provide mentorship for specific programs as the management deems fit. The mentorship program structure shall be determined by the management alone. However the mentorship is free of financial charges.
  14. Trevo Technologies Academy reserves the right to expel students from the academy without any form of compensation or refunds on the condition that the student has proven repeatedly to:
    1. Disrupt the free flow of learning during the classes or on the class communication channels
    2. Display rude behaviour to trainers or students which consequentially affects the assimilation  of knowledge during classes
    3. breached any of our intellectual property rights
  15. All trainers in Trevotech Academy have full rights to set the success criteria of passing any of the courses rendered in the Academy.
  16. Trevo Technologies is not responsible for any loss or pain arising from the actions of clients who have failed to read these terms and conditions before registering in this academy.